Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive


Peter Maher - The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence
Instant Phone Advice.

Peter Maher – The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence
Instant Phone Advice.
You can call Peter now on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) for a chat about product and application information


Liquid Intelligence Pty Ltd
All Enquiries To:
Technical Support Office
& Main Warehouse
Unit 8 / 12 Eddie Road
Minchinbury NSW 2770
Technical Support & Ordering
7am to 7pm Seven Days a Week
Factory Hours & Site Visits
7am to 4pm Monday to Friday

For Instant Phone Advice
Australian Enquiries: Free Call

1800 441 163
02 8188 2060

(7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day)
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060

Do You Have Oil Sludge In Your Engine?

“Liquid Intelligence 219 Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive Is The Safest And Best Way To Dissolve Oil Sludge In Engines Of All Types Of Vehicles.”

It Really Does Do Exactly What It Says
Like No Other Product Can


Instant Phone Advice

We are proud to be able to supply an Australian product whilst also allowing anyone to pick up the phone and instantly speak to myself or one of my technicians and speak about any particular issue.

Many people are surprised by the fact that I actually answer the phone and that we will take the time to get your situation sorted.

This Product Comes With A Technician On Tap

With my special guarantee you have everything to gain and nothing to lose… it’s that easy… and our free technical support can advise you every step of the way… like having a technician on tap.

We understand that everybody’s application can be unique or out of the ordinary. To be sure of the best result call Peter on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) and have a chat about your particular application.


Two Year Money-Back
Satisfaction Guarantee





The Best Way To Dissolve Oil Sludge In Engines. Recommended For:

Vintage Classic Late Model Work

Light Commercial Heavy Commercial Road Haulage


Earth Moving Cranes Boats Ships
Forklifts Farm Machinery

Replacement Engine Costs Can be Financially Crippling… Flushing Your Engine Now Could Save You Thousands Of Dollars

The engine flush the experts trust. This trade quality product comes direct from the manufacturer.

One 1 litre treats up to 10 litres of engine oil

Engine Sludge Affects Both Petrol And Diesel Engines…
Do You Have:

  • Blown Head Gasket / Water In Engine Oil?
  • Heavily Contaminated Black Oil?
  • Heavy Oil Sludge?
  • Stuck Piston Rings?
  • Engine Compression Loss?
  • Power Loss?
  • Increased Oil Use?
  • Blue Smoke From The Exhaust
  • Engine Missfires
  • Oil Sludge Under The Oil Cap
  • Oil Appears Dirty Before 1000 Kilometres Since Last Oil Change.

Engine Sludge

Full Product Support

For any questions about the use of this product, feel free to chat by phone: 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day)

1_blue_buttonTell us about your sludge issue.
2_blue_buttonTell us the make and model of your vehicle
3_blue_buttonWe will discuss your problem and solution with you and we will recommend the best product for your situation.

What Is Oil Sludge?

Oil sludge is the breakdown product of over-stressed oil in your engine.
Oil that is stressed by contaminants and oxidation from working thousands of kilometres longer than it was designed to….. Sludge begins to appear in the oil pan and valve covers.

What Does Oil Sludge Do To Your Engine?

Engine sludge causes stuck piston rings, reduced engine compression, power loss, high fuel consumption, oil pressure problems, and even overheating.

Why Is Oil Sludge Affecting More Cars?

In the struggle to pass tougher federal emissions specifications, car manufacturers have raised engine operating temperatures and increased exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). In 1990’s, tighter federal emissions standards were enacted. Fuel mixtures have to run leaner, and leaner mixtures cause higher combustion temperatures. When nitrogen in the air is raised to higher temperatures it is converted into new contaminant cocktails. By the late 1990’s, sludge is appearing as a major problem.

When Is Sludge Not Sludge?

When it’s an oil and water emulsion from a leaking or blown head gasket. If this happens, you get a whitish cream coloured sludge on the inside of the oil filler cap. It’s typically cooler than the rest of the cam case and so the oil/water mix tends to condense there. If it off and the underside of it looks like it’s covered in vanilla yoghurt or mayonnaise, you’ve got a blown head gasket. A way to confirm this is if your oil level is going up and your coolant level is going down. The coolant is getting through the breaks in the head gasket and mixing with the oil.

Periodic Engine Flushing Is Normal For Cars And Trucks After 100,000 Kilometres

Flushing Your Engine Now Could Save You Thousands Of Dollars

Engine rebuilds and replacements due to sludge damage are common place.

In Fact… Replacement Engine Costs Can be Financially Crippling:

  • For typical cars can range in price from $4000 to $10,000
  • Trucks engines can be from $6000 to $25,000
  • Large mine site engines can be $100,000 to $300,000 plus

Regular Flushing Can Prevent Engine Seizures And Further Sludge Damage.

This Is No Ordinary Oil Sludge Remover. This Unique Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive Can Be Used On All Types Of Vehicles. Here’s Why…

Liquid Intelligence 219 is a blend of 100% active purpose specific detergents, formulated to dissolve hard to remove engine oil sludge.
In addition to removing oil sludge, Liquid Intelligence 219 is a powerful cleanser that totally removes deposits, solid wear particles and residues from all internal engine components, including piston rings.
Liquid Intelligence 219 does NOT contain solvent like other engine flushes.

Liquid Intelligence 219 Is Safe, Powerful And Effective To Use

Beware of other solvent based engine flushes or solvent mixed with oil should NOT be used as an oil flush as they can do considerable damage to oil seals, o-rings, and can even cause a crankcase explosion.

Water In Engine Oil


My Car Is Smoking… What Does It Mean?

Blue Smoke

Blue smoke is usually indicative of oil burning in your combustion chamber. There are usually two primary causes:

(1) Piston Rings If you do a compression test, and your compression is not within spec, this could be the culprit. Piston rings are metal rings that are in place around your piston. They keep your piston from contacting the cylinder walls, as well as serve as a seal to keep oil from entering the combustion chamber.

As the piston comes up the cylinder, the rings contract, and apply the oil to the walls of the cylinder, lubricating the walls. On the down stroke, the rings expand, act like a squeegee and squeeze most of the oil off of the cylinder walls so it does not burn.

If you have blue smoke while your engine is running, constantly, or even just under acceleration after it is warm, one or more of your piston rings is probably gummed up, and is allowing oil past it, into the combustion chamber where it can be burned.

The solution for this is unfortunately, expensive. Some cars can be done cheaper than others, but on average a ring job in the industry runs about the same as an engine rebuild. Figure on a minimum of $2,000 in labour, and up to $500 in parts.

Liquid Intelligence 219 Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive is a blend of 100% active purpose specific detergents, formulated to dissolve hard to remove engine oil gum and sludge. It will also removes gum deposits, solid wear particles and residues from all internal engine components, including piston rings.

(2) Valve Stem Seals Blue smoke is caused by oil burning… dried and hardened valve stem seals will allow oil to seep into the combustion chamber… and produce blue exhaust smoke.

The blue colour is not from burning oil, but from oil failing to burn… The oil forms tiny droplets that make the smoke look blue.

All valve stem seals and gaskets are subject to deterioration, over time.

Using Liquid Intelligence 230 Stop Leak Seal Expander rejuvenates dry and hardened valve stem seals… preventing oil from passing down valve guide… and ending up as blue smoke from the exhaust. Click here to see Liquid Intelligence 230 Stop Leak Seal Expander

Replacing valve stem seals can be a difficult operation… often requiring specialised tooling and the removal of a cylinder head. Just to remove and replace the head will cost about $800 plus gaskets and parts, so a mechanical repair bill of $1500 is a real possibility.

White Smoke

White smoke is typically indicative of coolant being burned in the combustion chamber. There are really only a few ways this can happen, and none of them are good. They are:

  • A cracked/warped cylinder head.
  • A blown head gasket.
  • A cracked engine block.

In any case, either a partial or full engine tear down and rebuild is in your immediate future. A cracked cylinder head or block can be caused by overheating, dumping cold water on a hot engine that is not running (and at operating temperature), or simply by metal fatigue over time/miles. The last one though, is quite rare. Most of the time when your block or head is cracked, its because the engine was overheated recently. When this will lead to coolant burning or white smoke, is if your head is cracked in between the cooling passages and the combustion chamber, which will allow coolant into the chamber to be burned.

A “warped” cylinder head causes a leak in the cooling passages (or water jacket’s) between the head and the block. This causes coolant to leak past the head gasket, into your combustion chamber. Hence the white smoke. A warped head can sometimes be corrected with a milling machine, checked and re-checked to make sure the gasket surface the head gasket sits on is perfectly level and flat…but this is often as expensive as a new cylinder head, and only works about half of the time.

A blown head gasket happens when the gasket between the cylinder head and engine block cracks or fails. This gasket is usually made of pressed metal, and can, over time and repeated heating cycles, fail. When this happens, the water pump pumps coolant through the engine like normal, but there is no longer a complete gasket in place to keep the coolant separate from the oil and combustion chamber. More often than not, this results in oil the colour and consistency of mud, and white smoke.

Lastly, a cracked engine block can cause white smoke by allowing coolant to flow into the combustion chamber through small cracks between the water jacket’s and the cylinder walls. Keep in mind, all cracks mentioned here will be less than the thickness of a human fingernail, they can be tough to spot.
Click here to see Liquid Intelligence 245 Blown Head Gasket Repair

Black Smoke

Excess fuel in the system is usually the primary cause for black smoke.

If your engine is spitting black smoke, there is more than likely a problem with blocked and injectors bad spray patents. Liquid Intelligence 218 Injector and Valve Purge decarbonize cleans valves, injectors and combustion chambers to restore the engines performance and reduce smoke.


Dear Reader,

“We Enjoy Receiving Your Phone Calls… Here’s Why…”

The CUSTOMER is definitely the most important person in our business.
You are never a disruption to our work when you call – you are the purpose of it.
You deserve the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give. Because you are doing us a favour when you call with an inquiry.
And we are available to help you from 7am To 7pm SEVEN DAYS A WEEK on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060


Peter Maher


Which Is Better?
Cheap Retail Products
Our Professional Treatments With Technical Support And Advice
(This 2 Minute Video Explains)

Video Transcript:
Hi, I am Peter Maher, and, in this video, I will show you, in just one minute, why similar cheap retail products and our professional strength treatments superficially appear to be similar, but they are as different as chalk and cheese.

As an example, if we were to take a retail brand bottle of radiator flush. On average it sells for about ten dollars in a retail outlet. For a retailer to sell it at ten dollars they would have had to purchase it for about five. If you added up the cost of manufacturing that bottle, you would have to include; a bottle, cap, labels, carton, blending and packaging costs, freight, commissions and profit…. Plus, the radiator flushing chemical itself. And if there was more than a $1’s worth of chemical in that bottle after the manufacture paid for all that, I would be very surprised. And if you had some application or technical questions about that product, advice from a young retail sale assistants can be very limited.

Whereas, Liquid Intelligence treatments are the BEST OF THE BEST. Our products have the highest degree of efficiency and activity when compared to any similar retail grade product. We make them here in Australia, and we even export around the world.

But we don’t JUST produce products … we supply a totally unique package.

That package includes unbeatable personal technical advice and support. And our support staff have more than 40 years’ experience in the industry.

You are not alone when you deal with Liquid Intelligence… When you call or email us, we are here from 7am to 7pm seven days a week to help you get that problem sorted.

By combining professional strength treatments with comprehensive technical advice, YOUR success rate when using our products should be almost 100%.

If you would like to give it a shot? Just call us now for obligation free advice, or you can simply order from our website.


We Ship Australia Wide

Liquid Intelligence Rewards You With Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – Absolutely No Limits

International Buyers:
For deliveries out side of Australia please CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A QUOTATION

We usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week.

“This Is Not Just Another Product… Its A Totally Unique Package, Here’s Why”

This Is The Only Quality Product That Has ALL Of The Following:

Liquid Intelligence products are the BEST OF THE BEST. They have the highest degree of efficiency, activity and functionality, compared to any similar retail grade product.

Unbeatable personal technical advice and support: “You Are Not Alone… When you ring us “We Are Here To Help You” get that problem sorted.
Technical support staff with more than 40 years experience in the industry.
An unparalleled success rate… greater than 95% when combined with our comprehensive telephone technical advice and support.
Made in Australia by an Australian business and exported around the world.

Order Liquid Intelligence 219 Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive (1 Litre) Online With Paypal Or Credit Cards:

You can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.
Payment is made on the PayPal Secure Server.
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1 Litre (One can treats up to 10 litres of engine oil):
Free freight on second and subsequent items – no limits.

$113.37Add to cart


**Save heaps** Buy Two Cans Get One Free Offer. Save money and buy for yourself, family and friends. Limited time offer
Three 1 Litre Cans (Comes complete with full phone technical support):
Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – No Limits.

$226.74Add to cart



**Save heaps** Buy Four Cans Get Two Free Offer. Save money and buy for yourself, family and friends. Limited time offer
Six 1 Litre Cans (Comes complete with full phone technical support):
Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – No Limits.

$453.48Add to cart



**Save heaps** Buy Six Cans Get Three Free Offer. Save money and buy for yourself, family and friends. Limited time offer
Nine 1 Litre Cans (Comes complete with full phone technical support):
Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – No Limits.

$680.22Add to cart


International Buyers:
For deliveries out side of Australia please CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A QUOTATION
We usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week).

YOU CAN ALSO CALL NOW TOLL FREE FROM ANYWHERE IN AUSTRALIA ON 1800 441 163 OR 02 8188 2060 TO ORDER (7am to 7pm 7 Days A Week)
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060

Two Year Money-Back
Satisfaction Guarantee

What Vehicles Can Liquid Intelligence 219 Be Used In?

Liquid Intelligence 219 is suitable for all petrol, diesel and LP gas engines. It is compatible with all commercially available mineral and synthetic motor oils. Safe and effective for turbocharged and supercharged engines engine seals, gaskets and bearings.

How Do You Use Liquid Intelligence 219?

With the Engine at operating temperature drain your old engine oil, when the oil stops running out of the sump, refit your sump bung.

Add the recommended volume of fresh oil to the engine. You can use cheap super market oil for this part of the job. Run the engine to warm up the oil, and then add the Liquid Intelligence 219 Super Concentrate Detergent Flushing Additive at a 10% solution.

Run your Engine at an idle for 30 minutes…..DO NOT DRIVE VEHICLE. Bringing the revs up to about 1500 to 2000 rpm for 5 to10 seconds every 5 minutes to achieve a dish washer affect.
For Larger truck engines like (Series 60 Detroit, Cat, Mack, Cummins), run at about 1200 rpm.

Drain the flushing oil (you will notice the flushing oil comes out thick and black) once drained refit the sump plug. Replace the oil filter with a new one, wiping a little clean engine oil around the new oil filter’s rubber seal to ensure ease of removal next oil change and refill with new oil to the full mark.

Start your Engine and make sure your oil light goes out and check the sump plug and oil filter for leaks. The oil filter is now full with oil, top the oil up, waiting a couple of minutes for the oil to drain down before you check the level.

Under no circumstances should you drive your vehicle with the flushing oil in the engine.

This Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive Is Suitable For The Engines Of All Types Of Passenger Vehicles, 4WD’s, Light & Heavy Commercial Vehicles, Stationary Engines and Motorcycles.

Vintage Cars Classic Cars Late & Early Model Vehicles Road Haulage Vehicles Earth Moving Machinery
Heat Exchanges Diesel Generators Forklifts Farm Machinery Mobile & Tower Cranes


Engine Sludge

First appearing in Australian vehicles in the late 1980s, engine sludge is a phenomenon that can affect almost any make of later model petrol engine and can cause extensive engine damage.

The term engine sludge, also known as black sludge, describes the formation of heavy deposits in the crankcase of petrol engines. Its formation can usually be traced to inadequate servicing, such as missed or extended oil change intervals or to the use of poor quality or inappropriate oils.

Sludge can resemble heavy grease or tar and results from the thickening and oxidation of the engine oil. The resulting material blocks the engines lubricating system, causing the engine to seize.

The best method for removing heavy sludge build-up is to dismantle, clean and repair the engine components, however, lesser amounts may be treated without dismantling the engine.

Engine sludge deposits are most commonly found in petrol engines, although sludge can accumulate in diesel engines through a slightly different process.

Diesel oils are exposed to much higher levels of unburnt fuel and combustion soot and over time, these contaminants build up to a level that thickens the oil. This eventually causes oil starvation as with petrol engines.

The small diesel engines used in light commercial vehicles and 4WDs are most at risk of accruing black sludge. Their typically high power output, small oil capacity and increased heat load from turbochargers make them a prime candidate for such problems. Fuel system problems, such as blocked injectors, that over deliver or don’t atomise the fuel properly, can add considerably to the soot and fuel loads the oil has to deal with, speeding up the thickening process.

Sludge and excessive exhaust smoke can be avoided with regular servicing in accordance with the manufacturers specifications and by the use of Liquid Intelligence 219 Concentrated Detergent Based Engine Flush and Liquid Intelligence 218 Injector and Valve Purge. This combination of cleaners will flush the engine block clean of oil contaminates and sludge and decarbonize valve, injectors, combustion chambers and piston rings.


Two Year Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

In appreciation for your business, and to demonstrate our confidence in this product, your purchase of Liquid Intelligence now comes with something extra. In addition to the standard product liability warranty on all Liquid Intelligence products, we now offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

We want you to be completely satisfied with any Liquid Intelligence product you buy. The Liquid Intelligence 100% Satisfaction Guarantee is our ongoing promise to you that Liquid Intelligence will do whatever it takes to make sure that you are totally satisfied with what you buy from us for two years from the date of purchase.

Liquid Intelligence is the only manufacturer in the business with enough confidence in our products to offer you this unique purchase protection, letting you buy risk free!

How can I make such an outrageous guarantee? Quite simply because I know that Liquid Intelligence works.

It has worked for me, and it has worked for thousands of other customers. And I know that it can work for you.

Quite simply . . . you get to be the judge, jury and executioner if I’m wrong.

Fair Enough?


We Ship Australia Wide

Liquid Intelligence Rewards You With Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – Absolutely No Limits

International Buyers:
For deliveries out side of Australia please CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A QUOTATION

We usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week.

“This Is Not Just Another Product… Its A Totally Unique Package, Here’s Why”

This Is The Only Quality Product That Has ALL Of The Following:

Liquid Intelligence products are the BEST OF THE BEST. They have the highest degree of efficiency, activity and functionality, compared to any similar retail grade product.

Unbeatable personal technical advice and support: “You Are Not Alone… When you ring us “We Are Here To Help You” get that problem sorted.
Technical support staff with more than 40 years experience in the industry.
An unparalleled success rate… greater than 95% when combined with our comprehensive telephone technical advice and support.
Made in Australia by an Australian business and exported around the world.

Order Liquid Intelligence 219 Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive (1 Litre) Online With Paypal Or Credit Cards:

You can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.
Payment is made on the PayPal Secure Server.
View Cart ?

1 Litre (One can treats up to 10 litres of engine oil):
Free freight on second and subsequent items – no limits.

$113.37Add to cart


**Save heaps** Buy Two Cans Get One Free Offer. Save money and buy for yourself, family and friends. Limited time offer
Three 1 Litre Cans (Comes complete with full phone technical support):
Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – No Limits.

$226.74Add to cart



**Save heaps** Buy Four Cans Get Two Free Offer. Save money and buy for yourself, family and friends. Limited time offer
Six 1 Litre Cans (Comes complete with full phone technical support):
Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – No Limits.

$453.48Add to cart



**Save heaps** Buy Six Cans Get Three Free Offer. Save money and buy for yourself, family and friends. Limited time offer
Nine 1 Litre Cans (Comes complete with full phone technical support):
Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – No Limits.

$680.22Add to cart


International Buyers:
For deliveries out side of Australia please CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A QUOTATION
We usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week).

YOU CAN ALSO CALL NOW TOLL FREE FROM ANYWHERE IN AUSTRALIA ON 1800 441 163 OR 02 8188 2060 TO ORDER (7am to 7pm 7 Days A Week)
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060

Two Year Money-Back
Satisfaction Guarantee

Peter Maher’s Minchinbury Warehouse Office Webcam

Webcam Minchinbury Office

Webcam: Call Peter, he is in the office today.
This web cam photo of Peter Maher’s Minchinbury warehouse office is updated periodically during the day.

In our Sydney office it is now:

We are open 7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day Sydney time.
1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060


How Do You get It?

Order by Phone:

Australian Inquiries: 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day)

To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060
1_blue_buttonTell us about your problem
2_blue_buttonTell us the make and model of your vehicle
3_blue_buttonWe will discuss your problem and solution with you and we will recommend the best product for your situation.
4_blue_buttonPurchase is made over the phone and usually ships same day by courier, and yes we do ship internationally.
Peter Maher - The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

Peter Maher – The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

You can call Peter now on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) for a chat about product and application information or to simply purchase Liquid Intelligence.

    Send Me An Email:

    If you would like to know more about the technical aspects of these products and how it relates to your particular vehicle... please send me an email and I will usually respond on the same business day.... Peter Maher.



    For International Buyers
    Request A Delivery Quote:

    We ship our products every day to countries around the world using DHL air freight which normally takes only a few days for you to receive.

    Simply specify the product and quantities and your full address (including country) and I can usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week) with a full quote including delivery as well as a payment link so you can easily pay online using Paypal or a credit card.

    For example:
    2 x Cans of 230 Stop Oil Leaks
    8274 North Point Lane. Fontana, CA 92336. USA

    Alternatively, you can call us on +61 2 8188 2060 and get a fast quote over the phone.

    Regards, Peter Maher

    * indicates required field


    Peter Maher - The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence Written by Peter Maher

    Peter Maher, has been in the chemical industry since he was 18. So that’s more than 40 years he’s been blending, manufacturing and formulating functional automotive and industrial fluids.


    Click On The Product Or Issue That Interests You From The Grid Below

    Liquid Intelligence 126 Silicone Brake Fluid Dot 5

    • For veteran, vintage and classic car owners
    • Superior 10 Year Long Life Silicone Brake Fluid

    Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Coolant – Guaranteed No Overheating

    • Perfect for vintage and classic vehicles, performance vehicles and dirt bikes
    • There is no better coolant than this.

    Liquid Intelligence 115 Motorcycle Super Waterless Coolant – Guaranteed No Overheating

    • Perfect for dirt bikes
    • There is no better coolant than this.

    Liquid Intelligence 201 Diesel Fuel Bacteria & Fungi Biocide

    • Dirty Diesel?
    • One of the most advanced biocides on the market today

    Liquid Intelligence Microbial Field Test kit

    • You Can Detect Bacteria, Yeast And Mould Contamination In Your Diesel Fuel.
    • Easy to use

    Liquid Intelligence 204 Diesel Moisture Absorbent

    • Removes Water From The Bottom Of Fuel Tanks. Guaranteed.

    Liquid Intelligence 207 Diesel Fuel Cetane Booster

    • Will Revitalize and or Maximize Your Diesel Fuel’s Full Pulling Power Potential.
    • Will also Improve Performance & Power In Old Stored Diesel Fuel and Home Made Bio-Diesel

    Liquid Intelligence 218 Diesel Purge And Restore Fuel System Cleaner Super Concentrated Formula Improves Performance & Power In Just One Treatment

    • Cleans internal deposits in common rail diesel engines
    • Improves fuel economy
    • Reduces black exhaust smoke
    • Reduces exhaust emissions

    Liquid Intelligence 219 Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive

    • Oil Sludge In Your Engine?
    • Dissolves Oil Sludge In Engines Of All Types Of Vehicles.

    Liquid Intelligence 224 Lifter-Free Engine Oil Additive Stops Lifter Clacking. Guaranteed.

    • Stops The Causes Of Lifter Clacking. Guaranteed.
    • Dissolves and dislodges harmful varnish and carbon deposits that accumulate within oil passages of the hydraulic lifters… replacing the clack, clack, clack with normal engine noise.
    • You can hear noticeable results straight away

    Liquid Intelligence 229 Diesel Fuel Pump Seal Leak Fix

    • Fixes Diesel Fuel Pump Leaks by Swelling and Softening And Rejuvenating Nitrile Fuel Pump Seals. Guaranteed.

    Liquid Intelligence 230 Stop Oil Leak Seal Expander

    • Gearbox and Transmission Seals
    • Power Steering Seals
    • Differential Seals
    • Rear Main Engine Seals

    Liquid Intelligence 230 PLUS – Stop Oil Leaks – Gear Oil Grade

    • Gearbox and Transmission Seals
    • Power Steering Seals
    • Differential Seals
    • Rear Main Engine Seals

    Liquid Intelligence 235 Hydraulic Stop Leak Seal Expander

    • Hydraulic Rams
    • Hydraulic Systems
    • Hydraulic Pumps

    Liquid Intelligence 236 Anti-Shudder Additive for Auto Transmissions

    • Do You Have Auto Transmission Shudder?
    • Reduces And Eliminates Auto Transmission Shudder. Guaranteed.

    Liquid Intelligence 237 ZDDP Engine Oil Additive

    • If your car is built prior to 1996 then you need this superior ZDDP engine oil additive.
    • Puts back the ZDDP needed by older cars to bring them back to the original specification.

    Liquid Intelligence 238 Cooling Systems Oil Sludge Remover

    • Oil sludge in the radiator?
    • Cleans Oily Cooling Systems Back To New, Without Disassembly. Guaranteed.

    Liquid Intelligence 239 Engine Cooling System Cleaning Kit

    • Cleans Radiators and Engine Blocks
    • Stops Engine Overheating

    Liquid Intelligence 240 Organic Rust Remover is the fastest way to totally remove rust from metal without damaging the original piece.

    • The Liquid Intelligence 240’s unique formula makes this product very safe to use.
    • Liquid Intelligence 240 will not damage or corrode Copper, Tin, Brass, Solder, Steel, Cast Iron, Cast Aluminium or Magnesium. Making it an ideal product for cleaning rust from mixed metal parts.

    Liquid Intelligence 243 Radiator Stop Leak Repair Kit Fixes Leaks In Cooling Systems And Radiators Guaranteed.

    • New Particle Dissolving Technology Is A Game-Changer For Ultimate Reliability And Engine Safety.
    • “In Fact, We Believe This Is The Strongest And Safest Radiator Fix On The Market Today”

    Liquid Intelligence 245 Blown Head Gasket Repair

    • Cracked Heads
    • Heater Matrix
    • Welsh Plugs
    • Radiator

    Liquid Intelligence 245 Blown Head Gasket Repair with Sealing Aid Optimizer.

    • Cracked Heads
    • Heater Matrix
    • Welsh Plugs
    • Radiator

    Liquid Intelligence 246 Blown Head Gasket Test Kit

    Liquid Intelligence 318 Racing Brake Fluid

    • Brake Harder And Later Into The Corner Without Any Brake Fade
    • For Extreme Braking Motorsports

    Liquid Intelligence 500 Latest Generation Technology, Long Life Ready To Use Green Universal Antifreeze Anti-Boil Coolant

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    Liquid Intelligence 600 Vintage & Veteran Super Soluble Oil Radiator Coolant

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    Liquid Intelligence 719 Car Air Conditioner Sanitizer and Deodorizer

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