Motorcycle Super Waterless Coolant

Super Waterless
Protection From -56°C To 190°C
Peter Maher - The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

Peter Maher – The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

You can call Peter now on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) for a chat about product and application information or to simply purchase Liquid Intelligence.


Direct From The Manufacturer

Liquid Intelligence Pty Ltd
All Enquiries To:
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& Main Warehouse
Unit 8 / 12 Eddie Road
Minchinbury NSW 2770
Technical Support & Ordering
7am to 7pm Seven Days a Week
Factory Hours & Site Visits
7am to 4pm Monday to Friday

Australian Enquiries: Free Call
1800 441 163
02 8188 2060

(7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day)
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060
If Your Dirt Bike Overheats and Boils Over On Hot Days….You’re Not Alone… Dirt Bikes Suffer From Small Radiators… No Fan… Low Airflow and Big Torque at Low Speeds. We Can Stop That!

Do You Own a Big Green Cappuccino Machine…We Can Fix That!

“I Guarantee You Too Can Stop Engine Overheating Now, Once and For All… With Liquid Intelligence 115 Synthetic, Super Waterless Nano-fluid Motorcycle Coolant”

It Really Does Do Exactly What It Says
Like No Other Product Can


This Product Comes With A Technician On Tap

With my special guarantee you have everything to gain and nothing to lose… it’s that easy… and our free technical support can advise you every step of the way… like having a technician on tap.

We understand that everybody’s application can be unique or out of the ordinary. To be sure of the best result call Peter on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) and have a chat about your particular application.


Two Year Money-Back
Satisfaction Guarantee




This Is No Ordinary Coolant… Watch This Amazing Video Demonstration Of Liquid Intelligence 115

This simple hotplate test is at best just a visual indicator of the superior performance of the Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Coolant when compared with common water/glycol coolants.

The first step is to take samples directly from the coolant containers to allow for easier application on to the hot plate. None of these samples were diluted or tampered with in any way. And the brand names of these three common motorcycle coolants are not shown for ethical reasons.

Next is to set the hot plate temperature at around 100C. Then apply a small amount of both Liquid Intelligence 115 and one of the common water/glycol coolants at a time on to the hot plate.

The Liquid Intelligence 115 is on the left and the common coolants are on the right of the hot plate.

Drawing a sample from brand Y

The Liquid Intelligence 115 is on the left and brand Y on the right of the hot plate.

Drawing a sample from brand Z

The Liquid Intelligence 115 is on the left and brand Z on the right of the hot plate.

As you can see the results are very surprising… We didn’t expect anything as dramatic as this.
I don’t think we are testing at exaggerated temperatures here either. If your bike has ever overheated and lost coolant… then your cooling system would have greatly exceeded these testing temperatures.
All I am trying to achieve in this demonstration is to underline the fact that Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Motocross Coolant is not an ordinary coolant.
I think these simple tests have proved that fact… particularly when you see the stark differences in how these common water/glycol coolants react when compared with our unique Waterless Motocross Coolant.
If your bike constantly overheats and you have tried absolutely everything to improve it… then I hope that this demonstration has given you a little insight into why it is overheating… and how you can simply improve your cooling system by just changing to a more thermal efficient coolant such as Liquid Intelligence 115.
If you would like to have a chat about the technical aspects of Liquid Intelligence 115 and how it would relate to your bike… please give me a ring on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) for a chat about product and application information.



Full Product Support

For any questions about the use of this product, feel free to chat by phone: 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day)

1_blue_buttonTell us about your overheating problem
2_blue_buttonTell us the make and model of your motor cycle.
3_blue_buttonWe will discuss your problem and solution with you.



Liquid Intelligence 115 Dirt Bike Coolant

Don’t risk blowing your engine if you have correctable overheating issues … consider using Liquid Intelligence 115.

Because this is no ordinary coolant…

The Liquid Intelligence 115 Synthetic, Super Waterless Nano-fluid Coolant utilizes S.M.A.R.T Fluid Technology™ and is a high performance coolant specifically formulated for ultimate engine protection under extreme running conditions. It is the ultimate boil over protection.

S.M.A.R.T Fluid Technology™
Improved Thermal Efficiency

Synthetic Super Waterless Nano Coolant
Maximizes Cooling System Efficiency
Advanced Aluminium & Magnesium Corrosion Protection
Resistant to Boil-Over And Overheating
Technologically Superior to all Water-Glycol Coolants.

This Amazing Dirt Bike Coolant Will Stop Overheating Dead In Its Tracks. Here’s Why…

Most dirt bike owners have found that it’s hard to keep their cooling system from boiling over when going slow on tight trails or in steep rough country. Our Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Motocross Coolant may help prevent that. This synthetic waterless coolant will double the thermal capacity of a dirt bikes cooling system and prevent overheating on demanding high torque low speed rides.

When dirt bikes are manufactured they come off the production line with a 50% solution of mono ethylene glycol based antifreeze anti-boil in their cooling system. A traditional glycol solution of this activity has a boil point of about 128°C to 132°C. In theory this level of anti-boil protection should be more than adequate to prevent any overheating issues. But as we all know it’s hard to keep a modern dirt bike from overheating, especially when riding at low speed with high torque in steep rough country. Most bikes will overheat and sometimes boil over under these kinds of riding conditions.

It wasn’t until we tested the boiling points of different glycol based coolant concentrations in a laboratory pressure vessel at 15psi that we fully understood the physics of heat dissipation in traditional coolants. What we found was that a coolants ability to dissipate and transfer heat within a cooling system is disrupted at a temperature much lower than its stated boiling point. We called this the vapour blanketing point.

We think that the vapour blanketing point has far more significance and importance to the performance of a coolant than a boiling point has. The vapour blanketing point of a coolant is the point at which it starts to fail…. whilst the boiling point of a coolant is when it has completely failed.

The vapour blanketing point of a 50% solution of mono ethylene glycol based coolant in a radiator using a 15psi pressure cap is between 93°C to 95°C. When a 50% active coolant reaches this temperature it starts to boil on the internal walls of the water jacket forming a layer of fine vapour. This insulating blanket of vapour reduces the efficiency of the entire cooling system to transfer heat from the block. When this happens, heat that it is still being generated in the block is not being dissipated and transferred through the cooling system as fast as it’s being made. So the cooling system temperature and the block temperature become out-of-sync with each other. The block temperature will continues to increase exponentially beyond its normal safe operating range. Once the engine is shut off and the coolant is no longer circulating through the radiator the greater block temperature transfers into the coolant. If the block temperature has exceeded the boiling point of the coolant it will boil over.

Most bike owners after a demanding ride have experienced boil over. Their coolant temperature would have gone beyond 140°C > for that to happen.

A dirt bikes normal running temperature is about 90°C. On hot days with low airflow on steep rough trails the engine temperature will always have the potential of reaching or exceeding the vapour blanketing point of about >93°C. A Conventional 50/50 glycol water coolant with a vapour blanketing point of between 93°C to 95°C does not always provide enough extra thermal capacity to prevent overheating under these types of riding conditions.

The Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Motocross Coolant has a boil point of 245°C and a vapour blanketing point of about 190°C which will double the thermal capacity of a dirt bikes cooling system. Under similar extreme riding conditions when the coolant temperature has exceeded 93°C our waterless coolant will not vapour blanket. It will continue to maintain contact with the internal walls of the water jacket, dissipating the heat and dumping it through the radiator efficiently… well after a conventional 50% coolant would have started to fail.

The main difference between using a conventional water glycol coolant and our Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Coolant in a dirt bike could be summarized this way:

A water glycol 50% coolant has less than half the thermal capacity of a waterless coolant and can allow for huge differences to develop between the block temperature and the radiator temperature. Whilst a waterless coolants greater thermal capacity ensures that the cooling system temperature and the block temperature remain in sync with each other… thus maintaining normal running temperature parameters in both the cooling system and the block even under demanding high torque low speed rides.


“According To Beta Motorcycles Australia, Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Motocross Coolant Is The Ultimate Choice For Intense Full Noise Motocross, and Extreme Enduro Racing, On Those Tough Tight Steep Difficult Trails.

Liquid intelligence Remains Beta’s Preferred Coolant For Preventing Overheating, When Pushing The Boundaries To The Extreme”.


Geoff Ballard Uses And Recommends Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Coolant

Geoff Ballard Talks About Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Coolant – Watch Video Now


In This Video Geoff Ballard Says:

I’m thinking about taking the fan off because it drives me nuts a bit here and there you can turn it off manually just by hitting the switch but it comes on quite a lot and I’m thinking about taking that off and running Liquid Intelligence which is a non water-based coolant and works very well I’ve been using it for years and years and all my bikes and a lot of the 6-day people have been using it too so it’s it’s a good product…



The World Champion Speedway Sidecar Racing Team Uses Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Coolant. How Cool Is That!

Darrin Treloar and Jesse Headland Win Using Liquid Intelligence 115

Darrin Treloar and Jesse Headland Win Using Liquid Intelligence 115

Sidecar duo Darrin Treloar and Jesse Headland have won the Australian Championship titles multiple time and they have just won the Speedway Sidecar World Title using Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Coolant in their bike.

The pair capped off a stellar month completing the triple crown, taking home the FIM World Cup, FIM Oceania Championship and the Australian Championship titles.

Liquid Intelligence congratulates the well-deserving 2018 champions, Treloar and Headland.


Harder, Faster, Longer

Endurance: Its Not Always About Speed

Liquid Intelligence 115’s Fabulous Winning Stories


Ben Townley (World Motocross Champion) Also Can Ride Harder, Faster, Longer Than His Competitors After Upgrading His Cooling System With Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Coolant

Ben Townley Liquid Intelligence 115

Team Carlton Dry Honda Australia Race Team
Ben Townley #101
New Zealand Senior National Motocross Championships
World Motocross Champion
AMA Supercross Champion



Dear Reader,

“We Enjoy Receiving Your Phone Calls… Here’s Why…”

The CUSTOMER is definitely the most important person in our business.
You are never a disruption to our work when you call – you are the purpose of it.
You deserve the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give. Because you are doing us a favour when you call with an inquiry.
And we are available to help you from 7am To 7pm SEVEN DAYS A WEEK on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060


Peter Maher


Outstanding Customer Service… A Recent Customer Email

Hi Peter
I just wanted to provide you with some feedback. My manager -XXXXX- recently ordered coolant through your company and I am writing to thank you for your fabulous customer service.

Once Bill had placed his order he phoned me to say how happy he was with your service. The phone service was fantastic and the delivery was extremely prompt! This was very appreciated!

Having to deal with a variety of companies it appears that customer service isn’t a priority for everyone anymore! It turns out your business has nailed it! We would like to thank you for your outstanding service and will be sure to recommend you in the future!

Have a great day!

Kind regards

Quad Bikes Fixed

It doesn’t matter if you are riding your quad across the Pilbara or at your local bush trail. If its experiencing overheating this summer, Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Motocross Coolant can fix that.

As an example, we sell to an environmental rehabilitation company operating in the extreme environment of the Western Australian Desert.

They are using our Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Coolant in their big quad bikes to prevent overheating. Summer temperatures in northern inland areas of WA, can often exceed 45°C. And when riding in those conditions at low speeds in rough terrain, these quads quite often boil over.

But now they are using our Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Motocross Coolant, their quad’s overheating issues have been completely eliminated.

Overheating Quad Bikes Fixed In Australia’s Outback


The Barren red landscape of the Pilbara. If our waterless coolant works here it will work anywhere on earth


The Barren red landscape of the Pilbara. If our waterless coolant works here it will work anywhere on earth


We Ship Australia Wide

Liquid Intelligence Rewards You With Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – Absolutely No Limits

International Buyers:
For deliveries out side of Australia please CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A QUOTATION

We usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week.

“This Is Not Just Another Product… Its A Totally Unique Package, Here’s Why”

This Is The Only Quality Product That Has ALL Of The Following:

Superior quality component formulas which are designed and perform to be the best of the best

Unbeatable personal technical advice and support: “You Are Not Alone… When you ring us “We Are Here To Help You” get that problem sorted.
Technical support staff with more than 40 years experience in the industry.
An unparalleled success rate… greater than 95% when combined with our comprehensive telephone technical advice and support.
Made in Australia by an Australian business and exported around the world.

Order Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Motocross Coolant Online With Paypal Or Credit Cards:

You can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.
Payment is made on the PayPal Secure Server.
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1.5 Litre Can

$62.25Add to cart

Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – No Limits.

International Buyers:
For deliveries out side of Australia please CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A QUOTATION
We usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week).

YOU CAN ALSO CALL NOW TOLL FREE FROM ANYWHERE IN AUSTRALIA ON 1800 441 163 OR 02 8188 2060 TO ORDER (7am to 7pm 7 Days A Week)
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060

Satisfaction Guarantee


Australian Stockists Of Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Motocross Coolant

You can find your nearest retailer by using the Google map below. Click on a marker to display address and contact details.
Addresses and contact details can also be found in text format by clicking here

If you can not find a retailer close to you simply call us on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 to discuss or send us an email by clicking here



Liquid Intelligence 115 High Temperature Super Waterless Coolant Recommended For:

This unique coolant is suitable for all water cooled engines regardless of make, model or age. Its Synthetic, Super Waterless Nano-fluid technology provides the ultimate in boil over protection. It also represents a 30% increase in thermal efficiencies for pressured cooling systems when compared to all conventional coolants.

For a better understanding on how Liquid Intelligence 115 works in regards to your specific requirements, ring our technical support for a no obligation chat 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day)



Liquid Intelligence 115 is recommended for dirt bikes that have a small radiator, no fan, big torque and demanding riders.

Motorbike Water Cooled Engines

It’s hard to keep a modern dirt bike from overheating on tight trails or in steep rough country. Every time temperatures climb beyond the normal range, the engine is running in the danger zone. Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Total Fill Coolant is guaranteed to prevent the engine overheating even under the most adverse running conditions.

Transmoto Magazine Adds Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Motocross Coolant To Prevent Overheating Issues In Our Much Warmer Australian Climate. Story Below

Story segment from Transmoto Magazine


Special Formula for Dirt Bikes

Liquid Intelligence 115 Dirt Bike Coolant contains an aluminium & magnesium corrosion protection additive far more advanced than any water / glycol traditional bike coolant can provide. It significantly exceeds all the specifications set out by Standards Association of Australia for Engine Cooling Systems Testing Methods AS 2108.2004.

The Liquid Intelligence 115 Dirt Bike Coolant also utilizes the
S.M.A.R.T Fluid Technology™

Synthetic Super Waterless Nano Coolant

Maximizes Cooling System Efficiency

Advanced Aluminium & Magnesium Corrosion Protection

Resistant to Boil-Over And Overheating

Technologically Superior to all Water-Glycol Coolants.

Testing results conclusively prove that we have designed, engineered and produced one of the world’s best motorcycle coolants.
Liquid Intelligence 115 Dirt Bike Coolant

Dirt bikes suffer from:

  • A small radiator
  • No fan
  • Low airflow
  • Big torque at low speed
  • Demanding riders!

Dirt Bike cooling systems boil over when under stress. Because dirt bikes are a compromise of power over compact lightweight design.

It’s hard to keep a modern dirt bike from overheating, especially when riding at low speed with high torque on tight trails or in steep rough country. Most bikes will overheat and sometimes boil over under these kinds of riding conditions

Liquid Intelligence 115 is tested and proven to prevent overheating and boil-over in all dirt bike motorcycles, from motocross, Supercross, Supermoto, Enduro and Desert Rally to normal everyday rides.

Liquid Intelligence 115 has Boil-Over Protection to 190°C/375°F
This is at least 30% more thermal efficient than traditional water/glycol based coolants.“Dirtbike owners can greatly improve their cooling systems with the boil-over protection of Liquid Intelligence 115 Synthetic Super Waterless coolant”

Liquid Intelligence 115 Overcomes Grass Seed Problem
ATV’s + Grass Seeds = Over Heating

liquid intelligence 115 quad  Maryborough Grass Seeds
Liquid Intelligence 115 Fixed The Overheating Caused By Seeds On The Radiator Screen

We are running mesh screen on our ATV 800s to keep grass seeds from blocking the radiators. However the screens still get blocked causing reduced air flow through the radiators. And in our summer heat this causes plenty of serious problems with the ATVs overheating… especially because these quads work hard all day doing general work and mustering.

We started using Liquid Intelligence 115 in the ATVs with great success. We still have grass seeds blocking the radiator screens and very hot days but the constant overheating problems have all gone. Liquid Intelligence 115 Coolant has without doubt improved the reliability of our work quads. We are very happy to recommend this fantastic new coolant to anybody.

Tony Haining Maryborough Queensland.


Over 50% of engine failures can be attributed to cooling system failure.

The cooling system is just that; a system. We are not just talking about a radiator; but a water pump, hoses, heater matrix, thermostat, engine block, and head. A normal traditional antifreeze in a cooling system contains a minimal amount of protection against rust, scale, and forms of corrosion.

People use tap water (which usually contains minerals) to add to antifreeze. These minerals can quickly overcome the corrosion inhibitor package in antifreeze. The additive package in antifreeze is consumed whether you drive the vehicle or not. Liquid Intelligence 115 is a Super Waterless coolant. By eliminating the water from the cooling system you can eliminate the catalyst for erosion and corrosion.

Liquid Intelligence 115 has double action corrosion protection:
Liquid Intelligence 115 offers more than just improved corrosion proofing for your cooling system. It’s as close as a coolant can come to being totally corrosion-proof.

The corrosion-proofing of Liquid Intelligence 115 comes about because of its unmatched double action protection:

The two parts of this unique corrosion protection are:

  • The Super Waterless Technology…. eliminate the water and you eliminate the catalyst for erosion and corrosion
  • Long Life Organic Carboxylate Corrosion Inhibitor System…. exceeds Australian Standards AS 2108.2004 Coolant Corrosion Testing.

Double Action Corrosion Protection Technology Means:

  • No Cooling System Pressure
  • No Catalyse for corrosion or erosion
  • Stop cylinder liner cavitations and erosion
  • Eliminates cooling system scaling
  • Stops Electrolysis


How Does the S.M.A.R.T Fluid Technology of Liquid Intelligence 115 Work?

The thermal efficiency of Liquid Intelligence 115 comes about because of its three way action:

Action (1) The SYNTHETIC Base Means:

  • Never Overheats (190°C)
  • Will not Freeze (-56°C)
  • Advanced Aluminium & Magnesium Corrosion Protection
  • Will not damage copper, solder, brass, mild steel or cast iron
  • Recommended for low and no-pressure cooling system

Action (2) The Super Waterless Technology Means:

  • No Cooling System Pressure
  • No Catalyse for corrosion or erosion
  • Stop cylinder liner cavitations and erosion
  • Eliminates cooling system scaling
  • Stops Electrolysis

Action (3) The NANOPARTICLE Technology Means:

  • Heat Conductor Particles make the coolant more thermally efficient
  • Absorbs and dissipate heat faster by increased surface area
  • Dissipates more heat, using less coolant, in a shorter period of time.


The Collective Intelligence Of Liquid Intelligence

Liquid Intelligence is a collaboration of alliances with creative minds from both research laboratories and academic institutions.

Whilst Liquid Intelligence is confident in their own abilities they recognize the benefits of this type of collective intelligence.

And that’s because…

creativity thrives when minds come together… and can be collectively brilliant in solving problems and connecting the dots.

Liquid Intelligence 115 is one of those special innovations that emerged from this type of R&D relationship.


The Thermal Efficiency of Heat Conductor Particles

With Liquid Intelligence 115 and the advancement of nanotechnology… there is now the next generation of coolants, called ‘nanofluids’.

Nanofluids contain Nano Heat Conductor Particles. It’s these particles that enhance the thermophysical properties of this innovative coolant.

The enhanced heat transfer capabilities of Liquid Intelligence 115 is in part due to the addition of its own proprietary Nano Heat Conductor Particles.

The Nano Heat Conductor Particles respond quickly to temperature increases… allowing for the dissipation of more heat, using less coolant, in a shorter period of time.

What Are Nanoparticles?

A nanoparticle is a microscopic particle with at least one dimension less than 100 nm.
20 X 50 nanometre particles could fit into one micron
The major physical property of a nanoparticle is the increase in the ratio of surface area to volume. The smaller the particle the larger the surface area.

To better understand the effect that particle size has on surface area please consider the diagrams below.

S.M.A.R.T Fluid Technology 1 To understand the effect of particle size on surface area, consider a one centimetre block of solid material. The surface area of this block is 6 square centimetres; about the same surface area as one side of a ten cent coin.
S.M.A.R.T Fluid Technology 2 The surface area of the same block cut up into one millimetre cubes now has a surface area of 60 square centimetres.
S.M.A.R.T Fluid Technology 3 And if that same block was ground down to tiny particles, one nanometre in diameter, the total surface area of those particles would now be about 6000 square meters (approximately one and half acres.)


What is the boiling point of coolant?

The boiling point of a coolant is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid equals the environmental pressure surrounding the liquid.

In other words, the boiling point of a coolants varies depending on the surrounding environmental pressure. Different coolants (at a given pressure) boil at different temperatures. Also the boiling point is when the coolant is at full boil and pumping out of the radiator.

What is Nucleate Boiling?

Nucleate boiling takes place when coolant is in direct contact with the hot metal of the engine block or cylinder heads. As a thin film of coolant turns to nucleate boiling on the hot metal surfaces of the cooling system, the layer of vapour bubbles having formed, break away from the surface and are immediately replaced by cooler fluids.

What is Vapour Blanketing?

When your coolant is operating continually above boiling point the nucleate boiling process is reduced or stopped. The coolant itself is kept away from the metal surface by a layer of vapour called a ‘vapour blanket’. When vapour blanketing occurs, the metal surface becomes insulated from the surrounding liquid coolant, thus significantly elevating the engine temperature


Normal Coolant Just Doesn’t Do It For Dirt Bikes… Here’s Why:


Healthy Nucleate Boiling Liquid Intelligence

Ideally You Should Have Healthy Nucleat Boiling Like This

Nucleate boiling takes place when coolant is in direct contact with the hot metal of the engine block or cylinder heads. As a thin film of coolant turns to nucleate boiling on the hot metal surfaces of the cooling system, the layer of vapour bubbles having formed, break away from the surface and are immediately replaced by cooler fluids.

Vapour Blanketing Liquid Intelligence

But Unhealthy Vapour Blanketing Causes Overheating When Using Normal Coolant

When normal coolant is operating continually above boiling point the nucleate boiling process is reduced or stopped. The coolant itself is kept away from the metal surface by a layer of vapour called a ‘vapour blanket’. When vapour blanketing occurs, the metal surface becomes insulated from the surrounding liquid coolant, thus significantly elevating the engine temperature.

Healthy Nucleate Boiling High Temps Liquid Intelligence

The Solution: Healthy Heat Quenching With Liquid Intelligence 115

The unique Super Waterless formulation of Liquid Intelligence 115 can continue to function at much higher temperatures. The enhanced density and thermal stability of this coolant maintains an uninterrupted process of heat quenching in your cooling system, even under the most adverse and extreme running conditions.


My Personal Description Of How And Why It Works…

Most dirt bike owners have found that it’s hard to keep their cooling system from boiling over when going slow on tight trails or in steep rough country….Our Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Motocross Coolant may help prevent that. This synthetic waterless coolant will double the thermal capacity of a dirt bikes cooling system and prevent overheating on demanding high torque low speed rides.

When dirt bikes are manufactured they come off the production line with a 50% solution of mono ethylene glycol based antifreeze anti-boil in their cooling system. A traditional glycol solution of this activity has a boil point of about 128°C to 132°C. In theory this level of anti-boil protection should be more than adequate to prevent any overheating issues. But as we all know it’s hard to keep a modern dirt bike from overheating, especially when riding at low speed with high torque in steep rough country. Most bikes will overheat and sometimes boil over under these kinds of riding conditions.

It wasn’t until we tested the boiling points of different glycol based coolant concentrations in a laboratory pressure vessel at 15psi that we fully understood the physics of heat dissipation in traditional coolants. What we found was that a coolants ability to dissipate and transfer heat within a cooling system is disrupted at a temperature much lower than its stated boiling point. We called this the vapour blanketing point.

We think that the vapour blanketing point has far more significance and importance to the performance of a coolant than a boiling point has. The vapour blanketing point of a coolant is the point at which it starts to fail…. whilst the boiling point of a coolant is when it has completely failed.

The vapour blanketing point of a 50% solution of mono ethylene glycol based coolant in a radiator using a 15psi pressure cap is between 93°C to 95°C. When a 50% active coolant reaches this temperature it starts to boil on the internal walls of the water jacket forming a layer of fine vapour. This insulating blanket of vapour reduces the efficiency of the entire cooling system to transfer heat from the block. When this happens, heat that it is still being generated in the block is not being dissipated and transferred through the cooling system as fast as it’s being made. So the cooling system temperature and the block temperature become out-of-sync with each other. The block temperature will continues to increase exponentially beyond its normal safe operating range. Once the engine is shut off and the coolant is no longer circulating through the radiator the greater block temperature transfers into the coolant. If the block temperature has exceeded the boiling point of the coolant it will boil over.

Most bike owners after a demanding ride have experienced boil over. Their coolant temperature would have gone beyond 140°C > for that to happen.

A dirt bikes normal running temperature is about 90°C. On hot days with low airflow on steep rough trails the engine temperature will always have the potential of reaching or exceeding the vapour blanketing point of about >93°C. A Conventional 50/50 glycol water coolant with a vapour blanketing point of between 93°C to 95°C does not always provide enough extra thermal capacity to prevent overheating under these types of riding conditions.

The Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Motocross Coolant has a boil point of 245°C and a vapour blanketing point of about 190°C which will double the thermal capacity of a dirt bikes cooling system. Under similar extreme riding conditions when the coolant temperature has exceeded 93°C our waterless coolant will not vapour blanket…..It will continue to maintain contact with the internal walls of the water jacket, dissipating the heat and dumping it through the radiator efficiently….Well after a conventional 50% coolant would have started to fail.

The main difference between using a conventional water glycol coolant and our Liquid Intelligence 115 Waterless Coolant in a dirt bike could be summarized this way:

A water glycol 50% coolant has less than half the thermal capacity of a waterless coolant and can allow for huge differences to develop between the block temperature and the radiator temperature. Whilst a waterless coolants greater thermal capacity ensures that the cooling system temperature and the block temperature remain in sync with each other….Thus maintaining normal running temperature parameters in both the cooling system and the block even under demanding high torque low speed rides.

Peter Maher

Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Coolant In The News

Peter Maher Packing Another Container Load Of Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Coolant To China - October 2014

Peter Maher Packing Another Container Load Of Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Coolant To China - October 2014



How Else Can You Cope With Overheating?

  • Putting a small fan on your bike radiator. This could help… cost around $290
  • Pulling over to the side and wait an hour for the engine to cool down. We know this works….cost lost time
  • Rebuilding your engine after ultimately destroying it from overheating. We know this works… cost possibly thousands.( >$1000.00)

So when you think about it…

Liquid Intelligence 115 costs less than all the alternatives… including doing nothing.

We Are 100% Sure that Liquid Intelligence 115 Works


Testing results conclusively prove that we have designed, engineered and produced one of the world’s best coolants.

Liquid Intelligence 115 Tested & Exceeds The Australian Standards AS2108.2004

Liquid Intelligence 115 Tested By The Consulting Services Of Two Australian Universities.

Liquid Intelligence 115 Tested By The Consulting Services Of Intertek Laboratories.

Test Shows That Liquid Intelligence 115 Had Zero Corrosion On All Metals Found In An Automotive Cooling System.

Lab Testing Liquid Intelligence

Australian Standards AS 2108.2004 Coolant Corrosion Testing

Liquid Intelligence 115 coolant meets or exceeds the specifications set out by Standards Association of Australia for Engine Cooling Systems Testing Methods AS 2108.2004.

The Standards Association of Australia enjoys the active cooperation of the Commonwealth and State Governments of Australia and of the Australian Automotive Industry. The Australian Coolant Test Methods AS 2108.2004 mirrors the Master Japanese Standards the British Standards the American Standards and most OEM Coolant Standards. And as such Liquid Intelligence 115 also complies with all their technical specification and standards.

The Hybrid Organic Corrosion Inhibitors used in the Liquid Intelligence 115 formulation has been tested by consulting services of two Australian Universities.

The AS2108.2004 was prepared by the Australian members of Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee CH-029, Additives for Engine Cooling Systems to supersede AS/NZS 2108.1:1997. The objective of the AS2108.2004 Standard is to ensure that all coolants are tested to a benchmark minimum requirement.

The following documents are the test methods that make up the AS2108.2004 Australian Standards:

ASTM D92 Standard test method for flash and fire points by Cleveland open cup tester

ASTM D380 Standard test methods for rubber hose

ASTM D412 Standard test methods for vulcanized rubber and thermoplastic elastomers—Tension

ASTM D471 Standard test method for rubber property—Effect of liquids

ASTM D1119 Standard test method for percent ash content of engine coolants and antirusts

ASTM D1122 Standard test method for density or relative density of engine coolant concentrates and engine coolants by the hydrometer

ASTM D1177 Standard test method for freezing point of aqueous engine coolants

ASTM D1287 Standard test method for pH of engine coolants and antirusts

ASTM D1384 Standard test method for corrosion test for engine coolants in glassware

ASTM D1881 Standard test method for foaming tendencies of engine coolants in glassware

ASTM D2240 Standard test method for rubber property—Durometer hardness

ASTM D2570 Standard test method for simulated service corrosion testing of engine coolants

ASTM D2809 Standard test method for cavitation corrosion and erosion-corrosion characteristics of aluminium pumps with engine coolants

ASTM D3183 Standard test practice for rubber—Preparation of pieces for test purposes from products

ASTM D3634 Standard test method for trace chloride ion in engine coolants

ASTM D4340 Standard test method for corrosion of cast aluminium alloys in engine coolants under heat-


Lab Testing ASTM D1384 Standard The Hybrid Organic Corrosion Inhibitors used in the Liquid Intelligence 115 formulation is shown here being tested to the ASTM D1384 Standard.
Liquid Intelligence 115 Testing This testing takes place over multiple days and is repeated for verification.


Liquid Intelligence University Consulting Services Testing Liquid Intelligence 115 High Temperature Coolant has been tested to the AS2108.2004 at two Australian Universities.
Liquid Intelligence University Consulting Services Testing Liquid Intelligence 115 coolant met and exceeded the Australian standard specifications.

Liquid Intelligence 115 has also been tested by the consulting services of Intertek Laboratories.

Intertek is the industry leader in laboratory consulting services with more than 1,000 laboratories in over 100 countries.

The test results show that Liquid Intelligence 115 Synthetic Super Waterless Coolant exceeds the Australian Standards AS 2108.2004.

The most interesting aspect of this report is the ASTM D 1384 Standard Analysis Method for Corrosion Testing on Engine Coolants. It shows that Liquid Intelligence 115 had zero corrosion on all the metals found in an automotive cooling system. This is an uncommonly good result and would represent the top 1% of all reputable automotive coolants in the world.
Click To See Document


We Ship Australia Wide

Liquid Intelligence Rewards You With Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – Absolutely No Limits

International Buyers:
For deliveries out side of Australia please CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A QUOTATION

We usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week.

“This Is Not Just Another Product… Its A Totally Unique Package, Here’s Why”

This Is The Only Quality Product That Has ALL Of The Following:

Superior quality component formulas which are designed and perform to be the best of the best

Unbeatable personal technical advice and support: “You Are Not Alone… When you ring us “We Are Here To Help You” get that problem sorted.
Technical support staff with more than 40 years experience in the industry.
An unparalleled success rate… greater than 95% when combined with our comprehensive telephone technical advice and support.
Made in Australia by an Australian business and exported around the world.

Order Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Motocross Coolant Online With Paypal Or Credit Cards:

You can pay with your credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.
Payment is made on the PayPal Secure Server.
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1.5 Litre Can

$62.25Add to cart

Free Freight For Second and Subsequent Items Added To The Same Order – No Limits.

International Buyers:
For deliveries out side of Australia please CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A QUOTATION
We usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week).

YOU CAN ALSO CALL NOW TOLL FREE FROM ANYWHERE IN AUSTRALIA ON 1800 441 163 OR 02 8188 2060 TO ORDER (7am to 7pm 7 Days A Week)
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060

Satisfaction Guarantee


Two Year Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

In appreciation for your business, and to demonstrate our confidence in this product, your purchase of the Liquid Intelligence now comes with something extra. In addition to the standard product liability warranty on all Liquid Intelligence products, we now offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

We want you to be completely satisfied with any Liquid Intelligence product you buy. The Liquid Intelligence 100% Satisfaction Guarantee is our ongoing promise to you that Liquid Intelligence will do whatever it takes to make sure that you are totally satisfied with what you buy from us for two years from the date of purchase.

Liquid Intelligence is the only manufacturer in the business with enough confidence in our products to offer you this unique purchase protection, letting you buy risk free!

How can I make such an outrageous guarantee? Quite simply because I know that Liquid Intelligence works.

It has worked for me, and it has worked for thousands of other customers. And I know that it can work for you.

Quite simply . . . you get to be the judge, jury and executioner if I’m wrong.

Fair Enough?


Peter Maher’s Minchinbury Wharehouse Office Webcam

Webcam Minchinbury Office

Webcam: Call Peter, he is in the office today.
This web cam photo of Peter Maher’s Minchinbury warehouse office is updated periodically during the day.

In our Sydney office it is now:

We are open 7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day Sydney time.
1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060


How Do You get It?

Order by Phone:

Australian Inquiries: 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day)

To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060
1_blue_buttonTell us about your overheating problem
2_blue_buttonTell us the make and model of your motorcycle
3_blue_buttonWe will discuss your problem and solution with you and we will recommend the best product for your situation.
4_blue_buttonPurchase is made over the phone and usually ships same day by courier, and yes we do ship internationally.
Peter Maher - The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

Peter Maher – The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

You can call Peter now on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) for a chat about product and application information.


    Send Me An Email:

    If you would like to know more about the technical aspects of these products and how it relates to your particular vehicle... please send me an email and I will usually respond on the same business day.... Peter Maher.



      For International Buyers
      Request A Delivery Quote:

      We ship our products every day to countries around the world using DHL air freight which normally takes only a few days for you to receive.

      Simply specify the product and quantities and your full address (including country) and I can usually reply with a quotation within one to two hours during our Sydney, Australia office hours (7am to 7pm seven days per week) with a full quote including delivery as well as a payment link so you can easily pay online using Paypal or a credit card.

      For example:

      2 x Cans of 230 Stop Oil Leaks

      8274 North Point Lane. Fontana, CA 92336. USA

      Alternatively, you can call us on +61 2 8188 2060 and get a fast quote over the phone.

      Regards, Peter Maher

      * indicates required field


      Peter Maher - The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence Written by Peter Maher

      Peter Maher, has been in the chemical industry since he was 18. So that’s more than 40 years he’s been blending, manufacturing and formulating functional automotive and industrial fluids. You can also find Peter on Google+


      Australian Stockists Of Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Motocross Coolant

      You can find your nearest retailer by using the Google map below. Click on a marker to display address and contact details.
      Addresses and contact details can also be found in text format by clicking here

      If you can not find a retailer close to you simply call us on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 to discuss or send us an email by clicking here


      Australian Stockists Of Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Motocross Coolant


      Bikeworx Mudgee
      20D Sydney Road
      Mudgee, NSW, 2850
      Phone: 02 6372 4146

      Beard Bros Motorcycles
      123 Durham St,
      Bathurst NSW 2795
      Phone: 02 6331 6421

      Lismore Motorcycles
      3 Three Chain Rd,
      South Lismore NSW 2480
      Phone: 02 6621 8553

      Super Moto New England
      207 Mann St,
      Armidale NSW 2350
      Phone: (02) 6772 5988

      Port Macquarie Motorcycles
      59 Hastings River Drive
      Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444
      Phone: (02) 6583 6060

      Ballina Motorcycles,
      21 Kerr St,
      Ballina, NSW, 2478
      Phone: (02) 6681 3000

      Sydney Motorcycle Workshop
      1/85 Hunter Lane
      Hornsby NSW 2077
      Phone: (02) 9477-1443

      APW Motorcycles
      14 Winbourne Road
      Brookvale, NSW, 2100
      Phone: 02 9905 3748

      Motocross Madness
      Unit 6 / 333 New Bridge Road
      Moorebank, NSW, 2170
      Phone : (02) 9600 6480

      M R D Motor Cycles
      2/3 Terrace Road,
      North Richmond NSW 2754
      Phone: (02) 4571 4194

      KTM Newcastle
      140 Lambton Road
      Broadmeadow NSW 2292
      Phone: 02 4037 3333

      Coastal KTM
      Unit 5/6 Bowen Crescent
      West Gosford, NSW, 2250
      Phone: (02) 4324 8916

      Coffs KTM
      1B GDT Secombe Close
      Coffs Harbour, NSW 2450
      Phone (02) 6650 4250

      Sutto’s KTM
      1 Blaikie Road
      Penrith NSW 2750
      PH: 02 4737 9566

      47-49 John Street,
      Singleton NSW 2330
      Phone: 02 6572 3620

      Rob’s Dirt Bike Repair
      89 Cornish St,
      Broken Hill NSW 2880
      Phone: 0427 290 160

      Ballards also called MX Store
      Purchase on line or by phone (02)4731 1210


      AMX Superstore Bayswater
      Shop 5/477 Dorset Road
      Bayswater VIC 3153
      Phone: 03 9729-8000
      Email Store:
      Email Manager:
      Store Manager: Adrian Gunton

      AMX Superstore Keilor
      Shop 3/31 Keilor Park Drive
      Keilor Park VIC 3042
      Phone: 03 9331-5050
      Email Store:
      Email Manager:
      Store Manager: Kiwi Conway

      AMX Superstore Lynbrook
      1 Raylee place
      Lynbrook VIC 3975
      Phone: 03 8787-8700
      Email Store:
      Email Manager:
      Store Manager: Shane Mathews

      AMX Superstore Epping
      336 Cooper St
      Epping Vic 3076
      Phone: 03 9401-5411
      Email Store:
      Email Manager:
      Store Manager: Shannon Dowsett

      Bike-Edge Wodonga
      U4\1a Moorefield Park Drive
      Wodonga, Vic, 3690
      Phone: 0260 569 507

      Morwell Kawasaki
      533 Princes Dr,
      Morwell VIC 3840
      Phone: (03) 5133 8060

      100% Moto
      Level 1 Factory 1/ 62 Wadhurst Drive
      Phone 03 9887 2016

      Christensen’s Motorcycles
      177 Queen Street
      Warragul VIC 3820
      Phone : 03 5623 2173

      Scotty’s Dirt Bike Repairs
      64 Maroondah Highway,
      Ringwood, VIC, 3134
      Phone 03 9870 0099

      First Class Motorcycles
      26A John St,
      Lilydale VIC 3140
      Phone 03 97397277

      Mandurah City Yamaha Motorcycles
      3 Canton Fairway
      MANDURAH, WA, 6210
      Phone (08) 9584 2411

      Shop 4 / 70 Maroondah Highway,
      RINGWOOD, VIC, 3134
      Phone 03 9879 5822

      AJ’s Motorcycles,
      4 Purcell St,
      Shepparton, VIC, 3630
      Phone 03 5822 2466

      Scrivens Honda,
      38 Boundary St,
      Kerang, VIC, 3579
      Phone 03 54 521 676

      Hands-On Motorcycles
      123 Beresford Road,
      LILYDALE, VIC, 3140
      Phone: 03 9735 3171

      Ballards also called MX Store
      Purchase on line or by phone (02)4731 1210


      N.T Motorcycle Centre
      637 Stuart Highway
      Berrimah NT 0828
      Phone: (08) 8939 0390

      Ballards also called MX Store
      Purchase on line or by phone (02)4731 1210


      AMX Superstore Springwood
      3385 Pacific Highway
      Springwood QLD 4127
      Phone: 07 3442-8999
      Email Store:
      Email Manager:
      Store Manager: Michelle Crocker

      AMX Superstore Morayfield
      3/379 Morayfield Road
      Morayfield Qld 4506
      Phone: 07 5437-0410
      Email Store:
      Email Manager:
      Store Manager: Jon Hafey

      AMX Superstore Virginia
      5/1814 Sandgate Road
      Virginia QLD 4014
      Phone: 07 3265-7102
      Email Store:
      Email Manager:
      Store Manager: Troy Jacobs

      Gear Factor
      Motorcycle Parts Store

      5/38 Kenworth Pl,
      Brendale QLD 4500
      Phone (07) 3889 6466

      P.O. Box 419,
      Charleville, QLD, 4470
      Phone: 07 4654 1732

      Harbour City Motorcycles
      2 Soppa Street
      GLADSTONE, QLD, 4680
      Phone: 07 4979 0100

      Wayne Leonard Motorcycles
      32-34 Water Street,
      CAIRNS, QLD, 4870
      Phone: (07) 4051 2741

      D & R Motorcycles,
      192 Raglan Street
      Roma, QLD, 4455
      07 4622 5710

      MPR Motorcycle
      2/1318 Boundary Road,
      WACOL, QLD, 4076
      (07) 3879 3045

      Queensland Bike and 4WD
      178 James St.
      Toowoomba QLD 4350
      07 4632 6062

      Twidale Auto & Motorcycles
      8-12 Old Cunningham Hwy,
      Goondiwindi, QLD 4390
      Phone: (07) 4671 4778

      Bullet Bikes
      89 Gordon Street,
      MACKAY, QLD, 4740
      Phone: (07) 4957 2227

      Toowoomba Bikes and Bits
      27 Prescott Street,
      TOOWOOMBA, QLD, 4350
      Phone: (07) 4632 1700

      Motorcycle Accessories Direct
      117 Brisbane Street,
      MOOLOOLABA, QLD, 4557
      Phone: (07) 5444 4345

      Action Motorcycles,
      60 Lawrence Dr,
      Nerang, QLD, 4211
      Phone (07) 5596 6622

      Team Moto Yamaha Moorooka
      969 Ipswich Road,
      MOOROOKA QLD 4105
      Phone: (07) 3426 4480

      JR’s Motorcycle Specialist
      1 Crowder Street,
      GARBUTT QLD 4814
      Phone: (07) 4775 2266

      Central Bike Centre
      10 Gregory Highway
      South Emerald, QLD, 4720
      Phone: 07 4982 1096

      Team Moto Virginia
      1920 Sandgate Road
      Virginia, QLD. 4014
      Phone: (07) 3188 7480

      Dalby Moto
      19 Hospital Road
      Dalby, QLD 4405
      Phone: (07) 4660 6680

      Towers Motorcycles
      17 Marys Street
      Charters Towers, QLD, 4820
      Phone: (07) 4787 1588

      Ballards also called MX Store
      Purchase on line or by phone (02)4731 1210


      Moto Alliance,
      Lot 4, 59 Truganina Rd,
      Malaga, WA, 6090
      Phone: (08) 9249 2989

      Mandurah City Yamaha,
      54 Pinjarra Rd,
      Mandurah WA, 6210
      Phone: (08) 9584 2411

      West Coast Honda
      1/10 Franklin Lane
      Joondalup, WA 6027
      Phone: (08) 9300 0094

      Ballards also called MX Store
      Purchase on line or by phone (02)4731 1210


      AMX Superstore Blair Athol
      356 Main North Road
      Blair Athol SA 5084
      Phone: 08 8359-8970
      Email Store:
      Email Manager:
      Store Manager: Rebecca Vizzarri

      Moto Adelaide
      1075 South Rd,
      Melrose Park SA 5039
      Phone: (08) 8374 2299

      Coast Yamaha
      212 Main S Rd,
      Morphett Vale SA 5162
      Phone: (08) 8562 4725

      Motorcycle Parts An Gear
      33 Railway Terrace,
      Nuriootpa SA 5355
      Phone: (08) 8382 5581

      White Walls SA
      Adelaide SA 5090
      Mobile Distributor
      Call Darryl 0427715380

      Ballards also called MX Store
      Purchase on line or by phone (02)4731 1210


      City Bike Centre
      26 Don Road,
      DEVONPORT, TAS, 7310
      Phone: 03 64241548

      Zanes Bikes `N’ Bitz
      105 York Street
      Devonport, TAS, 7310
      (03) 6424 1613

      Ballards also called MX Store
      Purchase on line or by phone (02)4731 1210


      Click On The Product Or Issue That Interests You From The Grid Below

      Liquid Intelligence 126 Silicone Brake Fluid Dot 5

      • For veteran, vintage and classic car owners
      • Superior 10 Year Long Life Silicone Brake Fluid

      Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Coolant – Guaranteed No Overheating

      • Perfect for vintage and classic vehicles, performance vehicles and dirt bikes
      • There is no better coolant than this.

      Liquid Intelligence 115 Motorcycle Super Waterless Coolant – Guaranteed No Overheating

      • Perfect for dirt bikes
      • There is no better coolant than this.

      Liquid Intelligence 201 Diesel Fuel Bacteria & Fungi Biocide

      • Dirty Diesel?
      • One of the most advanced biocides on the market today

      Liquid Intelligence Microbial Field Test kit

      • You Can Detect Bacteria, Yeast And Mould Contamination In Your Diesel Fuel.
      • Easy to use

      Liquid Intelligence 204 Diesel Moisture Absorbent

      • Removes Water From The Bottom Of Fuel Tanks. Guaranteed.

      Liquid Intelligence 207 Diesel Fuel Cetane Booster

      • Will Revitalize and or Maximize Your Diesel Fuel’s Full Pulling Power Potential.
      • Will also Improve Performance & Power In Old Stored Diesel Fuel and Home Made Bio-Diesel

      Liquid Intelligence 218 Diesel Purge And Restore Fuel System Cleaner Super Concentrated Formula Improves Performance & Power In Just One Treatment

      • Cleans internal deposits in common rail diesel engines
      • Improves fuel economy
      • Reduces black exhaust smoke
      • Reduces exhaust emissions

      Liquid Intelligence 219 Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive

      • Oil Sludge In Your Engine?
      • Dissolves Oil Sludge In Engines Of All Types Of Vehicles.

      Liquid Intelligence 224 Lifter-Free Engine Oil Additive Stops Lifter Clacking. Guaranteed.

      • Stops The Causes Of Lifter Clacking. Guaranteed.
      • Dissolves and dislodges harmful varnish and carbon deposits that accumulate within oil passages of the hydraulic lifters… replacing the clack, clack, clack with normal engine noise.
      • You can hear noticeable results straight away

      Liquid Intelligence 229 Diesel Fuel Pump Seal Leak Fix

      • Fixes Diesel Fuel Pump Leaks by Swelling and Softening And Rejuvenating Nitrile Fuel Pump Seals. Guaranteed.

      Liquid Intelligence 230 Stop Oil Leak Seal Expander

      • Gearbox and Transmission Seals
      • Power Steering Seals
      • Differential Seals
      • Rear Main Engine Seals

      Liquid Intelligence 230 PLUS – Stop Oil Leaks – Gear Oil Grade

      • Gearbox and Transmission Seals
      • Power Steering Seals
      • Differential Seals
      • Rear Main Engine Seals

      Liquid Intelligence 235 Hydraulic Stop Leak Seal Expander

      • Hydraulic Rams
      • Hydraulic Systems
      • Hydraulic Pumps

      Liquid Intelligence 236 Anti-Shudder Additive for Auto Transmissions

      • Do You Have Auto Transmission Shudder?
      • Reduces And Eliminates Auto Transmission Shudder. Guaranteed.

      Liquid Intelligence 237 ZDDP Engine Oil Additive

      • If your car is built prior to 1996 then you need this superior ZDDP engine oil additive.
      • Puts back the ZDDP needed by older cars to bring them back to the original specification.

      Liquid Intelligence 238 Cooling Systems Oil Sludge Remover

      • Oil sludge in the radiator?
      • Cleans Oily Cooling Systems Back To New, Without Disassembly. Guaranteed.

      Liquid Intelligence 239 Engine Cooling System Cleaning Kit

      • Cleans Radiators and Engine Blocks
      • Stops Engine Overheating

      Liquid Intelligence 240 Organic Rust Remover is the fastest way to totally remove rust from metal without damaging the original piece.

      • The Liquid Intelligence 240’s unique formula makes this product very safe to use.
      • Liquid Intelligence 240 will not damage or corrode Copper, Tin, Brass, Solder, Steel, Cast Iron, Cast Aluminium or Magnesium. Making it an ideal product for cleaning rust from mixed metal parts.

      Liquid Intelligence 243 Radiator Stop Leak Repair Kit Fixes Leaks In Cooling Systems And Radiators Guaranteed.

      • New Particle Dissolving Technology Is A Game-Changer For Ultimate Reliability And Engine Safety.
      • “In Fact, We Believe This Is The Strongest And Safest Radiator Fix On The Market Today”

      Liquid Intelligence 245 Blown Head Gasket Repair

      • Cracked Heads
      • Heater Matrix
      • Welsh Plugs
      • Radiator

      Liquid Intelligence 245 Blown Head Gasket Repair with Sealing Aid Optimizer.

      • Cracked Heads
      • Heater Matrix
      • Welsh Plugs
      • Radiator

      Liquid Intelligence 246 Blown Head Gasket Test Kit

      Liquid Intelligence 318 Racing Brake Fluid

      • Brake Harder And Later Into The Corner Without Any Brake Fade
      • For Extreme Braking Motorsports

      Liquid Intelligence 500 Latest Generation Technology, Long Life Ready To Use Green Universal Antifreeze Anti-Boil Coolant

      • The best non-waterless coolant you can get.
      • Compatible With All Green Coolants For Top Ups Or Complete Fills

      Liquid Intelligence 600 Vintage & Veteran Super Soluble Oil Radiator Coolant

      • Specifically For Overheating Vintage and Veteran Cars
      • An Old Fashion Soluble Oil Reformulated With Remarkable New Technologies.

      Liquid Intelligence 719 Car Air Conditioner Sanitizer and Deodorizer

      • Smelly Car Air Conditioning?
      • Stops The Causes Of Car Air Conditioner Odours Now, Once and For All