

Peter Maher - The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

Peter Maher – The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

You can call Peter now on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) for a chat about product and application information or to simply purchase Liquid Intelligence.


Liquid Intelligence Pty Ltd
All Enquiries To:
Technical Support Office
& Main Warehouse
Unit 8 / 12 Eddie Road
Minchinbury NSW 2770
Technical Support & Ordering
7am to 7pm Seven Days a Week
Factory Hours & Site Visits
7am to 4pm Monday to Friday

Australian Enquiries: Free Call
1800 441 163
02 8188 2060

(7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day)
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060
An Ordinary Thermostat May be Causing Your Overheating… Here’s How

“Your thermostat is at the heart of the cooling system and can single handedly destroy an engine.”

These Products Come With A Technician On Tap

With my special guarantee you have everything to gain and nothing to lose… it’s that easy… and our free technical support can advise you every step of the way… like having a technician on tap.

We understand that everybody’s application can be unique or out of the ordinary. To be sure of the best result call Peter on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) and have a chat about your particular application.


Two Year Money-Back
Satisfaction Guarantee



Liquid Intelligence High Flow Thermostsat

Thermostats are probably the least understood part of an engine, a thermostat is at the heart of the cooling system and can single handedly destroy an engine so we should try to understand the function and role of this item.

A thermostat is a mechanical temperature control valve assembly used in the vehicles cooling system to regulate the engine temperature. It allows the circulation of coolant from the engine through the readiator once a predetermined temperature is achieved.

The termostat uses a wax pellet to enable the operation of the primary valve once the nominated temperature has been achieved. It is important to understand that the thermostat doesn’t create heat it just reacts to changes in the temperature and reacts to these changes by opening and closing the valve.

If your engine is over-heating, the thermostat is often overlooked as a cause of decreased cooling system efficiency.

What Happens When You Replace A Standard Thermostat With A Liquid Intelligence High Flow Thermostsat?

High flow thermostats improve cooling system performance and are designed to interchange with the original thermostat. They are manufactured with an extra large primary valve which enables up to 50% more waterflow.

A Liquid Intelligence Flow Thermostat Will:

Increase cooling system efficiency
Even temperature control.
Improve fuel economy
Reduce engine wear

They are ideal for performance applications or where extra load is being placed on the engine. This can come from circumstances as diverse as towing or where the vehicle is operating in higher temperatures.

Our thermostats are manufactured from high quality stainless steel and copper.They meet or exceed OEM standards and are 100% tested and calibrated for opening temperature during manufacture.

The thermostat is an integral part in a modern operating engine and it is crucial for the correct engine temperature to be achieved quickly and maintained in order for the engine management system to operate as designed. Our thermostats are designed to be fully opened within 12 degrees of accentuation.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to gain power then fit a Liquid Intelligence thermostat

If your engine operating temperature can be reduced, while increasing thermal efficiency, your engines performance can be enhanced in the process

Lowering your engine’s operating temperature will not only increase performance, it will add reliability and extend engine life by decreasing the stress caused by heat fatigue. This performance thermostat will make a difference whether your car is stock or modified. The Liquid Intelligence thermostat is an OEM quality product, and gaskets are supplied.

If you would like to have a chat about the technical aspects of using one of our full flow thermostats, please give us a call. We are available on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060.


Two Year Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee


Two Year Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

In appreciation for your business, and to demonstrate our confidence in this product, your purchase of Liquid Intelligence now comes with something extra. In addition to the standard product liability warranty on all Liquid Intelligence products, we now offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

We want you to be completely satisfied with any Liquid Intelligence product you buy. The Liquid Intelligence 100% Satisfaction Guarantee is our ongoing promise to you that Liquid Intelligence will do whatever it takes to make sure that you are totally satisfied with what you buy from us for two years from the date of purchase.

Liquid Intelligence is the only manufacturer in the business with enough confidence in our products to offer you this unique purchase protection, letting you buy risk free!

How can I make such an outrageous guarantee? Quite simply because I know that Liquid Intelligence works.

It has worked for me, and it has worked for thousands of other customers. And I know that it can work for you.

Quite simply . . . you get to be the judge, jury and executioner if I’m wrong.

Fair Enough?


Dear Reader,

“We Enjoy Receiving Your Phone Calls… Here’s Why…”

The CUSTOMER is definitely the most important person in our business.
You are never a disruption to our work when you call – you are the purpose of it.
You deserve the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give. Because you are doing us a favour when you call with an inquiry.
And we are available to help you from 7am To 7pm SEVEN DAYS A WEEK on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060


Peter Maher


Peter Maher’s Minchinbury Warehouse Office Webcam

Webcam Minchinbury Office

Webcam: Call Peter, he is in the office today.
This web cam photo of Peter Maher’s Minchinbury warehouse office is updated periodically during the day.

In our Sydney office it is now:

We are open 7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day Sydney time.
1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060
To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060


How Do You get It?

Order by Phone:

Australian Inquiries: 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day)

To call from outside Australia:

  • From USA/Canada: 011 61 2 8188 2060
  • From UK/Europe: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • From New Zealand: 00 61 2 8188 2060
  • All others: Google your international dial code +61 2 8188 2060
1_blue_buttonTell us about your cooling system problem
2_blue_buttonTell us the make and model of your vehicle
3_blue_buttonWe will discuss your problem and solution with you and we will recommend the best product for your situation.
4_blue_buttonPurchase is made over the phone and usually ships same day by courier, and yes we do ship internationally.
Peter Maher - The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

Peter Maher – The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence

You can call Peter now on 1800 441 163 or 02 8188 2060 (7am to 7pm seven days a week – including public holidays – except Christmas Day) for a chat about product and application information or to simply purchase Liquid Intelligence.

    Send Me An Email:

    If you would like to know more about the technical aspects of these products and how it relates to your particular vehicle... please send me an email and I will usually respond on the same business day.... Peter Maher.



    Peter Maher - The Man Behind Liquid Intelligence Written by Peter Maher

    Peter Maher, has been in the chemical industry since he was 18. So that’s more than 40 years he’s been blending, manufacturing and formulating functional automotive and industrial fluids.


    Click On The Product Or Issue That Interests You From The Grid Below

    Liquid Intelligence 126 Silicone Brake Fluid Dot 5

    • For veteran, vintage and classic car owners
    • Superior 10 Year Long Life Silicone Brake Fluid

    Liquid Intelligence 115 Super Waterless Coolant – Guaranteed No Overheating

    • Perfect for vintage and classic vehicles, performance vehicles and dirt bikes
    • There is no better coolant than this.

    Liquid Intelligence 115 Motorcycle Super Waterless Coolant – Guaranteed No Overheating

    • Perfect for dirt bikes
    • There is no better coolant than this.

    Liquid Intelligence 201 Diesel Fuel Bacteria & Fungi Biocide

    • Dirty Diesel?
    • One of the most advanced biocides on the market today

    Liquid Intelligence Microbial Field Test kit

    • You Can Detect Bacteria, Yeast And Mould Contamination In Your Diesel Fuel.
    • Easy to use

    Liquid Intelligence 204 Diesel Moisture Absorbent

    • Removes Water From The Bottom Of Fuel Tanks. Guaranteed.

    Liquid Intelligence 207 Diesel Fuel Cetane Booster

    • Will Revitalize and or Maximize Your Diesel Fuel’s Full Pulling Power Potential.
    • Will also Improve Performance & Power In Old Stored Diesel Fuel and Home Made Bio-Diesel

    Liquid Intelligence 218 Diesel Purge And Restore Fuel System Cleaner Super Concentrated Formula Improves Performance & Power In Just One Treatment

    • Cleans internal deposits in common rail diesel engines
    • Improves fuel economy
    • Reduces black exhaust smoke
    • Reduces exhaust emissions

    Liquid Intelligence 219 Super Concentrate Engine Flushing Additive

    • Oil Sludge In Your Engine?
    • Dissolves Oil Sludge In Engines Of All Types Of Vehicles.

    Liquid Intelligence 224 Lifter-Free Engine Oil Additive Stops Lifter Clacking. Guaranteed.

    • Stops The Causes Of Lifter Clacking. Guaranteed.
    • Dissolves and dislodges harmful varnish and carbon deposits that accumulate within oil passages of the hydraulic lifters… replacing the clack, clack, clack with normal engine noise.
    • You can hear noticeable results straight away

    Liquid Intelligence 229 Diesel Fuel Pump Seal Leak Fix

    • Fixes Diesel Fuel Pump Leaks by Swelling and Softening And Rejuvenating Nitrile Fuel Pump Seals. Guaranteed.

    Liquid Intelligence 230 Stop Oil Leak Seal Expander

    • Gearbox and Transmission Seals
    • Power Steering Seals
    • Differential Seals
    • Rear Main Engine Seals

    Liquid Intelligence 230 PLUS – Stop Oil Leaks – Gear Oil Grade

    • Gearbox and Transmission Seals
    • Power Steering Seals
    • Differential Seals
    • Rear Main Engine Seals

    Liquid Intelligence 235 Hydraulic Stop Leak Seal Expander

    • Hydraulic Rams
    • Hydraulic Systems
    • Hydraulic Pumps

    Liquid Intelligence 236 Anti-Shudder Additive for Auto Transmissions

    • Do You Have Auto Transmission Shudder?
    • Reduces And Eliminates Auto Transmission Shudder. Guaranteed.

    Liquid Intelligence 237 ZDDP Engine Oil Additive

    • If your car is built prior to 1996 then you need this superior ZDDP engine oil additive.
    • Puts back the ZDDP needed by older cars to bring them back to the original specification.

    Liquid Intelligence 238 Cooling Systems Oil Sludge Remover

    • Oil sludge in the radiator?
    • Cleans Oily Cooling Systems Back To New, Without Disassembly. Guaranteed.

    Liquid Intelligence 239 Engine Cooling System Cleaning Kit

    • Cleans Radiators and Engine Blocks
    • Stops Engine Overheating

    Liquid Intelligence 240 Organic Rust Remover is the fastest way to totally remove rust from metal without damaging the original piece.

    • The Liquid Intelligence 240’s unique formula makes this product very safe to use.
    • Liquid Intelligence 240 will not damage or corrode Copper, Tin, Brass, Solder, Steel, Cast Iron, Cast Aluminium or Magnesium. Making it an ideal product for cleaning rust from mixed metal parts.

    Liquid Intelligence 243 Radiator Stop Leak Repair Kit Fixes Leaks In Cooling Systems And Radiators Guaranteed.

    • New Particle Dissolving Technology Is A Game-Changer For Ultimate Reliability And Engine Safety.
    • “In Fact, We Believe This Is The Strongest And Safest Radiator Fix On The Market Today”

    Liquid Intelligence 245 Blown Head Gasket Repair

    • Cracked Heads
    • Heater Matrix
    • Welsh Plugs
    • Radiator

    Liquid Intelligence 245 Blown Head Gasket Repair with Sealing Aid Optimizer.

    • Cracked Heads
    • Heater Matrix
    • Welsh Plugs
    • Radiator

    Liquid Intelligence 246 Blown Head Gasket Test Kit

    Liquid Intelligence 318 Racing Brake Fluid

    • Brake Harder And Later Into The Corner Without Any Brake Fade
    • For Extreme Braking Motorsports

    Liquid Intelligence 500 Latest Generation Technology, Long Life Ready To Use Green Universal Antifreeze Anti-Boil Coolant

    • The best non-waterless coolant you can get.
    • Compatible With All Green Coolants For Top Ups Or Complete Fills

    Liquid Intelligence 600 Vintage & Veteran Super Soluble Oil Radiator Coolant

    • Specifically For Overheating Vintage and Veteran Cars
    • An Old Fashion Soluble Oil Reformulated With Remarkable New Technologies.

    Liquid Intelligence 719 Car Air Conditioner Sanitizer and Deodorizer

    • Smelly Car Air Conditioning?
    • Stops The Causes Of Car Air Conditioner Odours Now, Once and For All